Monday, December 22, 2008
Culture of Virus
Growth of virus on Embryonated eggs
Plant cell cultures are typically grown as cell suspension cultures in liquid medium. Tobacco BY-2 cells are non-green, fast growing plant cells which can multiply their numbers up to 100-fold within one week in adequate culture medium and good culture conditions. This cultivar of tobacco is kept as cell suspension culture.
In cell suspension cultures, each of the cells is floating independently or at most only in short chains in a culture medium. As the organism is relatively simple and predictable it makes the study of biological processes easier, and can be an intermediate step towards understanding more complex organisms.
Primary cell culture

Cell cultures freshly initiated from tissues or organ pieces are called primary cell cultures. These are characterized by a normally limited life span of the cells, which may die after a number of cell divisions.
The switch to abnormal chromosome numbers is usually referred to as cell transformation and this process may give rise to cells that can then be cultivated for indefinite periods of time by serial passaging. Such cells give rise to so-called continuous cell lines.
Continuous cell lines and various culture techniques play an important role in research on cytokines. They are employed to obtain recombinant cytokines and other proteins of interest. Cell lines are used also in studies of signal transduction mechanisms following, for example, introduction and functional expression of cloned receptor genes.
Tissue Culture Methods for Detection
CPE: vaccinia on monkey kidney (BSC40)

Fields Vriology (2007) 5th edition, Knipe, DM & Howley, PM, eds, Wolters Kluwer/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Philadelphia Fig. 2.5Cytopathic Effect is the degenerative changes in cells associated with the multiplication of certain viruses; when, in tissue culture, spread of virus is restricted by an overlay of agar, the cytopathic effect may lead to formation of plaque.
Cytocidal effects are cytopathic effects that lead to host cell death.
Noncytocidal effects are cytopathic effects that do not lead to cell death.
Blogged @ 9:24 PM